Thursday, July 31, 2008

cowashing and braid outs a resounding nay!

So I jumped on the bandwagon and decided to try the cowash and braid out. I must admit that I do like the cowash (when I use a water based conditioner WITHOUT protein). My hair is soft and manageable - especially if I incorporate some coconut oil with the condish. The issue comes with the air drying and braid outs. While it is an easy alternative to the time consuming blow-drying or sometimes downright-hand-breaking-roller-setting, I'm not sure that this can become part of my regular routine for a few reasons:

1) When my hair is air-dried...yes I don't have the damaging heat, but I do have a headful of BIG hair that will not submit to any moisturizer, oil or other concoction known to man! The only way to "tame" it is to wash it again.

2) Regardless of how much moisturizer/oil I use, when I undo the braidout, it lasts for about half a day. Given my job, it doesn't look very professional by lunch time. And even though I curl the ends I find the ends are a little too whispy for my liking (maybe my ends are a little thin).

3) I haven't noticed any change whatsoever in my shedding. Which begs the question, is the removal of heat really doing me any good?? I really only used heat for deep conditioning and roller sets in the first place.

So if any of you ladies have any tips or ideas on how to make my braid out experience better by all means chime in! Maybe I need different products?? different technique??For my cowash I use Nexxus Humectress, then for the braid out I moisturize with UBH Dew and Moisturizing Lotion and Coconut oil.

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